Plumbing or Septic Services? 3 Signs You Need a Septic Professional

Plumbing or Septic Services? 3 Signs You Need a Septic Professional

When you have a septic tank, one of the things that you might have trouble figuring out is if you need plumbing or septic services when you have a problem with your water. So here are three ways that you can tell that it’s septic services, not plumbing services, that you need.

Look in the Yard – One of the first things that you want to do is to look at your yard. Give it a sniff. Do you smell something like sewage? Or go over to where the septic tank is. Does it feel soggy? Chances are that you have a problem with a backup in your septic system.

Look at the Calendar – How long ago was it since you had the tank pumped? If it was more than 2 or 3 years ago, it might be time to have it pumped again. Are your fixtures slowly draining? That’s another sign that you need a pumping service already.

Listen to the Pipes – Go to where your pipes are and listen carefully. Are you hearing a gurgling noise? Or give it a good sniff. Do you smell sewage? Either of these two signs means that you have a problem with your septic system and need septic services.

These are three signs that you need septic services rather than plumbing services when you have a problem with your water. Keep in mind that the nose knows, as it goes. If you are smelling sewage, it’s time to have your septic checked by a professional septic company.