The Different Types of Plumbers

The Different Types of Plumbers

Not every plumbing system is made equal. In fact, very few plumbing systems exactly copy other plumbing system. And the same goes for plumbers; different plumbers specialize in different services. Here is a short guide that can explain the different types of plumbers, as well as the different roles each play in plumbing systems.

  • Service and Repair Plumber: This type of plumber is most likely to hired by the average person. They can diagnose, and problem solve any issues they have in your home. If something bad were to happen with your plumbing, these would be the first person you call.
  • Commercial Plumber: These plumbers are similar to a service and repair plumber, but they are more specialized to work on the large plumbing systems in commercial buildings. They are trained to use larger equipment and tools that may be needed to work on a larger plumbing system. While they may be able to work on a home as well it may be better to hire a service and repair plumber for any residential plumbing issues.
  • Residential Plumber: These types of plumbers specialize in the building of plumbing systems, typically in a construction setting. Their specialty is in building, and not so much in repairing. Were you to build a home, you would need a residential plumber, however you do not need a residential plumber to do basic repairs. Their specialty is not in service and repairs, so you should hire a service and repair plumber for that as well.

There are several types of plumber and hiring the right one is very important. While it may be possible for one to do another job, they are specialized in their type of plumbing and should be left to that. Hiring the correct plumber will ensure the most efficient and successful solving of any plumbing problems you may encounter.