Tree Removal 101: What to Do When a Tree Poses an Immediate Threat

Tree Removal 101: What to Do When a Tree Poses an Immediate Threat

Trees make beautiful additions to any property, not to mention the fact that they’re an essential part of our environment. However, there are plenty of scenarios where a tree can quickly go from a beautiful asset to a dangerous hazard. When a tree poses a threat to the rest of your property, whether it’s due to a storm, disease, or structural instability, tree removal is often the only way to protect the surrounding area.

Knowing how to move forward is critical, so in this article, we’ll go over a few of the steps you can take during a situation that requires emergency tree removal.

  1. Assess the Damage – Inspect the tree from a safe distance to help you better understand the extent of the damage. You can relay these details to the tree removal company when you contact them.
  2. Ensure Your Safety – Safety is always the top priority for tree removal. If the tree is at risk of falling on a vehicle, building, or person, evacuate the area and keep others away until the tree removal company arrives. If there are power lines involved, contact the power company as well as a tree removal company.
  3. Call a Professional – Attempting to remove a hazardous tree yourself is extremely dangerous, so always contact a professional to handle the job. They will have the skills and equipment to stabilize the tree during the removal process, if necessary, and to remove it without causing additional damage to the rest of the property.
  4. Plan for Aftercare – Once the tree removal is complete, consider your options for how to care for the affected area. This may include stump removal, replanting, or using other landscaping to cover the space where the tree once stood. Your tree removal team can likely offer insight into the best actions to take.