You Can Learn Fun Facts from Your Plumber

You Can Learn Fun Facts from Your Plumber

If you sit down with anyone from any profession, there is a good chance they have some funny stories to tell and even a few facts you might not know. A plumber isn’t any different. They’ll share about unique service calls they’ve experienced, crazy DIY plumbing results they have been called in to fix, and even some historical facts about plumbing. Here are a few fun facts a plumber might share with you.

  • We no longer use lead pipes, yet “plumbing” comes from the Latin word for lead, plumbum.
  • The first hotel to have indoor plumbing installed was the Tremont Hotel in Boston in 1829.
  • If you laid all the copper piping installed since the early 1960s in a line, it would encircle the planet roughly 200 times.
  • Albert Einstein wished he had become a plumber.
  • A toilet is sometimes referred to as “a john” in honor of John Harrington who invented the flushing toilet in 1596.
  • More toilets are flushed during Super Bowl halftime than in any other short period of time.
  • A single dripping faucet can waste thousands of gallons of water each year.
  • Multiple surveys have shown that most people prefer the toilet paper roll to be hung with the next sheet coming over the top of the roll.
  • The first stall in a public bathroom is often the cleanest because most people walk past it.
  • Wonder why your skin puckers when in the water? It is because the lower skin layers don’t absorb water like the outer layer does.

Did you learn anything from these fun facts? Don’t forget to ask your plumber for some funny stories next time they are at your home for plumbing maintenance, installation, repair, or replacement services. Plumbers can be really funny, trust us!