3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Follow YouTube Videos for Plumbing Repairs

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Follow YouTube Videos for Plumbing Repairs

A lot of people have put how-to videos on YouTube showing people how to do things, and this includes plumbing repairs. But even if the video looks great and promising, there are three good reasons why you shouldn’t do plumbing repairs off of a YouTube video.

It Doesn’t Show You the Whole Thing

The first reason not to follow something on YouTube for plumbing is that it doesn’t show everything. Yes, it shows the person doing something that works. But how many times did they try and fail before they actually got it to work? You only see the end result.

They’re Probably Not an Expert

The second reason not to follow something on YouTube for plumbing is chances are that they are not an expert plumber. Of course, there are some plumbers who do post how-to videos on their websites and that’s a bit different. But most people are just like you – trial and error people.

It May Not Work for You

The third reason not to follow something on YouTube for plumbing is that it may not work for you even if it does work for the person on the video. You may even end up with a worse problem than you started with.

These are three reasons why you shouldn’t follow a video on YouTube to do plumbing repairs and why you should leave the plumbing repairs to the experts like a real plumber. Otherwise, you may be really in a mess.