Four Key Signs You May Need AC Repair Services

Four Key Signs You May Need AC Repair Services

When the weather outside is hot, humid, and uncomfortable, our air conditioning systems keep our homes cool and comfortable all year long. However, no matter how well you maintain your AC unit, no system is immune to wear and tear.

In order to avoid unnecessary discomfort in the sweltering heat, it’s important to be able to recognize when you should call in a professional for AC repair services. Here are four key signs to look out for:

  1. Your AC unit is blowing warm air. There are numerous problems that could cause your unit to blow warm or room-temperature air instead of a cooling breeze. Since your system is failing to do what it’s designed to do, you should schedule AC repair services as soon as possible.
  2. There’s a low or inconsistent airflow. A weak or unpredictable airflow can be caused by a clogged filter, a malfunctioning fan, or a blockage within your air ducts. In any case, these issues can force your system to work harder, which can exacerbate the problems and cause your energy bills to rise.
  3. You notice unusual sounds. If your AC unit starts making strange noises you’ve never heard it make before, this is a clear sign that something is amiss. Scheduling AC repair services now can help you avoid the unpleasant sounds and prevent more costly repairs in the long run.
  4. Your AC unit is short cycling. Many AC systems operate on a regular cycle or schedule, so if your system is constantly turning on and off throughout the day, this could be a sign of a refrigerant leak or an issue with your thermostat. Fortunately, a professional should be able to diagnose the issue and provide the efficient AC repair services you need to return your home to a more comfortable state.