Tips for Choosing the Right Coffee Business to Provide Your Company Coffee Services

Tips for Choosing the Right Coffee Business to Provide Your Company Coffee Services

Providing coffee services for your employees is a great way to improve company-wide morale and boost creativity, but finding the right coffee business to provide those services is key. After all, what’s the point of setting up services if the coffee business you partner with doesn’t provide options that your employees will use or enjoy? In this article, you’ll find some helpful tips for finding the right coffee business to suit your unique workplace and employee preferences.

  • Consider Customizations– It’s unlikely that all your employees will prefer the same beverages, so try to find a coffee business that offers customizations and options other than standard coffee. Look for someone that also provides options for tea drinkers or those who prefer decaffeinated beverages.
  • Ask About Add-Ons– Many coffee businesses that offer coffee services also provide add-ons like water, soda, and juice options. You should also inquire about if they offer equipment rentals, paper products, add-ins like creamers and sweeteners, and refill services or if you’re responsible for handling those things on your own.
  • Scope Out Sustainability – As we become more environmentally conscious as a society, more and more people are interested in doing their part to support eco-friendly and sustainable business practices. Look for a coffee business that offers fair-trade or ethically-sourced options, eco-friendly packaging, or water-saving equipment.
  • Talk Trials– It never hurts to ask if a coffee business you’re considering offers trial periods to ensure they’re compatible with your needs. Setting up a test period allows you to ensure that your employees like what they offer, that their customer support meets your standards, and that coffee services are a worthwhile venture that won’t break your company budget.