How to Tell if Your Roofing Needs to be Repaired After Severe Weather

How to Tell if Your Roofing Needs to be Repaired After Severe Weather

The aftermath of a severe weather event can be difficult to deal with, and it’s not uncommon to find damage for days or even weeks after the worst of the weather is over. The roof is one of the most common areas of a home that suffer from storm damage. Knowing how to safely visually inspect your roofing and other areas around it for damage is important for any homeowner. Quickly identifying and fixing roofing damage can help protect your entire house, and in this article, we’ll review the areas you should make a habit of inspecting after any severe weather event.

  1. Shingles – Cracked or missing shingles expose the other layers of your roofing and the interior of your home to the elements. Look for areas with a noticeable gap in the shingles and inspect the area around your home for pieces that may have come completely loose and fallen to the ground.
  2. Gutters & Downspouts – Check the downspout of your gutters to see if there are asphalt granules collected there, as this is a sign that your shingles are deteriorating. You should also visually inspect the gutters for dents, cracks, or sections that may have pulled away from the roofing.
  3. Flashing – The flashing joins and seals the edges of your roof and may be made of plastic or metal, which is prone to cracking or bending if impacted by falling tree limbs or even hail. Do a visual scan of the seams of your roofline to check if any flashing is bent, cracked, or missing completely.
  4. Ceilings – If water can enter your home, you will likely see signs of its presence if you know where to look. Check the ceiling and upper portions of the walls in the rooms of your home that are closest to the roofing, such as the attic or upper-level rooms if your house is multiple stories.

It’s important to remember that any inspections you do should be performed from the safety of the ground. If you detect signs of damage, always hire the help of trained roofing professionals who can assess the situation more closely and make necessary repairs for you.